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Talicud Island Adventure Part 1: Our Visit to Baga Cave
Talicud Island, in the Island Garden City of Samal has always been famous for it's beautiful beaches with crystal clear waters. People...
Talicud Island Adventure, IGACOS Part 2: The Giant Balete Tree
Balete tree refers to various species of trees in the Philippines that Filipinos generally call Balete. It usually is found hanging on...
Pete's Point, Damosa
I'm sure you all have heard of Davao's strict implementation of its liquor ban from 1:00 to 8:00 in the morning. Yes! This ordinance is...
Filipino Soup No. 5
The Filipino food and style of cooking is a product of centuries of integration of neighboring Malay - Indonesian, Japanese, and Chinese...
Dayaw Coffee and Tea: Filipino Hospitality In A Cup
Filipinos have always been known for their hospitality. This is one of the many reasons why most people from all over the world just love...
Cliff Jumping in Sabang, Island Garden City of Samal
Travelers have a lot and varying experience they are looking for when they visit a certain place. It maybe for relaxation, partying with...
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