Food Trip Weekend l K Steak Unlimited Davao
I am not a big fan of meat but I must admit that the steak in K Steak Unlimited was amazingly well - seasoned. The goodness of a million flavor in one dish! Their place wasn't that big. In fact, there were only a few tables - probably around 10. This however, didn't necessarily mean that the place wasn't worth the visit.

I definitely recommend this place to meat lovers out there. Go and have a taste of their steak (a lot of preparations to choose from), chicken fillet (highly recommended), and their ice - cream cake (need I say more?)!

Their steak was tender and oh so juicy! I could literally see that juice oozing from the meat. This was even made more enticing with the equally yummy vegetables served with it - carrots, potatoes, and string beans. Not only that, the steak was also served with gravy and some sort of a barbecue sauce. I can't quite express how delicious the gravy and sauce were so let me put it this way - you can eat the rice with the gravy and sauce alone! Interesting, isn't it?

If the steak was already interesting, wait until you try their chicken fillet! It was called grilled blah blah chicken fillet. You see, I forgot the name of the dish and all I could remember was how good it tasted. Also served with veggies and with a sauce so delicious you would probably forget the name of the dish just like I did.

Seriously, you should really visit their place. Price ranges from 400 to 1000, depending on the type of meat you will order and how big. Ours back then were two servings with price ranging from 500 to 700, and oh... one serving was already good for 2 persons so it wasn't really that expensive.

Although they have different branches in Davao City, I could only recommend the branch in Marfori because that was the only branch I've been to.